Обратно към Курс

Печеливши Рекламни Кампании 2.0

0% Завършен
0/0 Steps
  1. Работа с Facebook Manager (механика и особености)

    Дублиране на Кампании, Сетове и Реклами (механика)
  2. Връзване на Facebook Pixel и Conversion API (CAPI)
  3. Създаване на рекламен акаунт и Връзване на Facebook Pixel код и Conversion API към сайта
    Урок 1 - Структура на Печелившата Рекламна Кампания + Q&A (Безплатен Уебинар)
  5. Урок 2 - Връзване на Бизнес Мениджър и Поставяне на Pixel код
  6. Урок 3 - Първата кампания
  7. Урок 4 - Преглед и Оптимизация на първата кампания
  8. Урок 5 - Как да Използваме Целите на Кампаниите
  9. Урок 6 - Как да Използваме Ад Сетовете
  10. Уебинар с участниците №1
  11. Уебинар с Участниците №2
    Тестове на аудитории
  13. Оптимизация на кампания
  14. Най-важните аудитории
  15. Психология на Аудиторията: Ключът към успешния бизнес
  16. Доказани формули и сценарии, който работят… винаги!
  17. Празнични Кампании
  18. Характеристики или Ползи на продукта? Кое какво е и как да ги използваш.
  19. Как да намериш “куката”, която ще привлече правилните хора.
  20. Как да поднесеш офертата, без напъване и досаждане… и едновременно с това да спечелиш фенове.
  21. Уебинар №3: GorillaWear.bg, Бизнес от телефона, LineRaptor.com
    Хакове за увеличаване на продажбите... без пари
  23. Публикуване на статии и постове
  24. Уебинар - Тактика за вдигане на оборотите
  25. Продажби, чрез съдържание
  26. Уебинар №5 - Преглеждане на кампании
    Уебинар №6 - Скалиране на кампнии
  28. Сетване на кампания за скалиране (на клиент)
  29. ПРК Уебинар №7 - Преглеждане на кампании
  30. ПРК Уебинар №8 - Преглеждане на кампании
  31. Най-печелившите типове промоции, които винаги можете да прилагате в бизнеса си
  32. Защо е добре да рекламирате СЕГА и КАКВО ТОЧНО да рекламирате
    ПРК Уебинар №10 - Най новите стратегии за реклама, които можете да приложите сега… и стъпка по стъпка за намиране на печеливша рекламна кампания
  34. ДОПЪЛНИТЕЛНИ ВИДЕА (обновено на 18 Септември 2020г.)
    ОТБЛОКИРАНЕ на Facebook акаунти
  35. Как да намерите изцяло нови клиенти за бизнеса си?
  36. Намиране на аудитории и позиции за нов продукт - Лятна кампания
  37. Моят метод за Каталожни Реклами (Catalog Sales)
  38. Кампания за по-голям ROAS (повече оборот с по малък бюджет)
  39. Кампания за по-голям ROAS (Част 2 - Резултатите)
  40. Кампания за ниска цена на продажба и по-голяма печалба (Bid Strategy)
Урок 34 от 40
В Прогрес

ОТБЛОКИРАНЕ на Facebook акаунти

Когато ви блокират, без да знаете причините или е пореден бъг на алгоритъма, като ви блокират по съвсем несвързани с вашия бизнес причини, просто…:

  1. кликнете на първия или втория линк от списъка
  2. изберете блокирания акаунт
  3. изберете опцията “I’m not sure which policy was violated”
  4. и кликнете Send.

Линкове, които да използвате, за да възстановите контрол над различни сегменти от акаунтите си (подредени са от най-често срещани проблеми към по-рядко срещани):

Когато пишете обяснение за причини да пуснат акаунта, спазвайте тези точки:

  1. Признайте, че вероятно сте допуснали грешка.
  2. Кажете, че имате желание да разберете каква точно е грешката и да я поправите.
  3. Кажете, че ще се постараете да бъдете в крак с правилата, за да не се повтаря.
  4. Помолете да ви помогнат, защото искате и имате нужда да продължите да правите бизнес със Facebook.
  5. Бъдете мили и учитиви.
  6. Благодарете за помощта и усилията им да ви съдействат.

Ето моите съобщения:

Профил 1 от видеото (Петя)

Моята заявка (Блокиран достъп до рекламни инструменти на Личен Профил):

Какво подадохте
Понеделник, 7 октомври 2019 г. в 10:13 ч.

Q1. Please tell us why you should be allowed to advertise
Can please review my advertising access?
I made a mistake with one ad and I want to delete it and never promote it again. Please, my business and my employees are suffering. We depend very much on facebook ads.

Thank you!

Втора заявка

Вашият отговор
Четвъртък, 10 октомври 2019 г. в 16:16 ч.
Please I'll do my best to follow the rules. I need to advertise on you platform in order to run my business. My ads are running and I am loosing money. It's urgent. Let me speak with somenone.

Техният отговор:

Петък, 11 октомври 2019 г. в 2:19 ч.
Hi %subject_id%,

We reviewed your Facebook account and determined that access to advertising features was incorrectly disabled. We've reinstated your access to advertising. Any ads that were affected will return to their previous status.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Facebook Business Team

Моят отговор:

Вашият отговор
Петък, 11 октомври 2019 г. в 22:05 ч.
Thank you!
What about my campaign that were still running and I didn't have access to manage and stop it all that time. My offer was ended and people were still clicking. Isn't it fair to receive some compensation? (тук опитах дори да си върна някакви пари, но не се получил. Няма проблем да опитате. Случвало се е да връщат.)


Моята заявка (Блокиран Бизнес Мениджър):

Понеделник, 21 октомври 2019 г. в 18:38 ч.

Q2. Please provide more information to help us review your request.
Hi, can you help me to determine what went wrong so I can fix it and continue to run ads?
I didn't get disapproved ads. I don't advertise something that si forbidden in your rules. I don't know what is the problem.
Thank you!

Техният отговор:

Сряда, 23 октомври 2019 г. в 17:59 ч.
Hi Петя,

We reviewed the business account again and determined that access to advertising was incorrectly disabled. Any of its Ad accounts or Ads that were affected will return to their previous status.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


Профил 2 от видеото (Ivo)

Моята заявка (Блокиран достъп до рекламни инструменти на Личен Профил):

Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 7:51 PM

my account got disabled.
I tried to comply with all the rules but apparently I did not succeed.
I apologize for my mistake.
Can you give me one more chance to make things right?
I'll delete all the ads and I'll take a different direction to be sure that the ads will follow every rule for sure.

Looking forward to do business with you for very long time.

Thank you for your support and hard work. Much appreciated!

Техният отговор:

Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 11:46 PM
Hello Ivo,

I had a look at your ad account and unfortunately we won't be able to re-enable it.

All ad accounts are evaluated for policy compliance and quality of ad content. Due to your ad account consistently promoting ads that don't comply with our Advertising Policies or other standards, the ad account has been disabled.

I suggest taking a look at our e-learning Blueprint module to better understand our Advertising Policies. You can access the module via this link.

Facebook Ads Team

Моят отговор:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 2:05 PM
Q1. Please tell us why you should be allowed to advertise

I didn't understand exactly why my access to advertising products is restricted.

I have been invited to many ad accounts of my clients to consult and help them with the ads to be compliant with Facebook rules.

Maybe some of them haven't done what I told them to do and they have broken some rules and because of my access to their accounts I have been restricted. I am not sure.

But I beg you to review my advertising access and help me restore your faith in me. If is there something that I could do or change, I will do it. I just don't know where exactly I gone wrong.

Thank you for your hard work and support!
I will be forever grateful to continue to work together.

Техният отговор:

Friday, August 23, 2019 at 12:16 AM

After further review of your Facebook account, we found you didn't comply with our Advertising Policies (https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads) or other standards. You will no longer be allowed to advertise and your access to features for managing ad and business accounts will remain limited.
The Facebook Business Team

Моят отговор:

Sunday, October 6, 2019 at 9:45 PM
Q1. Please tell us why you should be allowed to advertise

Hi, I use facebook for advertising for 5 years now. I am trying to keep up with all the rules, but sometimes my clients do things that I am not aware of, and they break them.

I don't think that I have to suffer because of them and their actions. Please return my acces so I can keep working on my own business wich is suffering now.

I'll make everything in my power to be more strict with my clients and to choose who I work with and what they products are in the future.

Thank you for your understanding!

Техният отговор:

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 1:20 AM

After further review of your Facebook account, we found you didn't comply with our Advertising Policies (https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads) or other standards. You will no longer be allowed to advertise and your access to features for managing ad and business accounts will remain limited.
The Facebook Business Team

Моят отговор:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 5:49 PM
Q1. Please tell us why you should be allowed to advertise

many of my clients want to manage their ads and I can't do that with my account. Please reactivate it to continue to do business with your ads tools.

Техният отговор:

Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 11:19 PM
Hi Ivo,

We reviewed your Facebook account and determined that access to advertising features was incorrectly disabled. We've reinstated your access to advertising. Any ads that were affected will return to their previous status.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Facebook Business Team



Профил 3 от видеото (Victoria)

Моята заявка (Блокиран Бизнес Мениджър):

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 3:18 AM
Q2. Please provide more information to help us review your request.

Hello, our business account was deactivated for no obvious reason. You recently reviewed two of our accounts and said that it was a mistake to deactivate them and the you reactivated them.
Can you please take a look what is going on so we can continue with our work?
Thank you very much!

Техният отговор:

Friday, November 22, 2019 at 6:32 AM
Hi Victoria,

We reviewed the business account again and determined that access to advertising was incorrectly disabled. Any of its Ad accounts or Ads that were affected will return to their previous status.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Facebook Business Team


Моята заявка (Блокиран Рекламен Акаунт):

Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 7:07 PM

We are trying to make an ad for bauty hair product but it looks like facebook doesn't like something in our ad but we can't figure what exactly. We know the rules and do our best to follow them. Please help us to continue our work. If it needs, we will stop advertising this product, but we just don't know what is the problem exactly.
Thank you for the support!

Техният отговор:

Friday, November 8, 2019 at 5:18 PM
Hello Victoria, Thanks for reaching out to us. We've reactivated your advertising account and you should now be able to create new ads and manage your existing ones. If you have a campaign that's currently stopped, the ads within the campaign can't be restarted until the campaign is active again.To turn your ads on:

1. Go to your Ads Manager
2. Find the ad you want to turn on or off
3. In the Status column, use the switch to change the status to on or off
Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. Thanks for your understanding.How was your appeals experience? Give us your feedback to help us do better.Thanks,- The Facebook Ads Team


Моята заявка (Блокиран Рекламен Акаунт):

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 1:07 PM

We are advertising a product for hair which nourishes it but our ad account was deactivated without even we can activate the the ad. We saved it as inactive so we can see if there will be a problem and correct it before we run the ad. But immediate deactivation is seem to us some what unfair. How we supposed to know if we can run ads if we can't get the information about if its approved and then decide to run it or not. We follow your rules strictly but sometimes our ads get disapproved.

Please help us to continue our work. We will delete this ad, it never ran. We will try to do our best. But please if there is some tool we can use to upload the ad and test it before we run it, please share with us.
Thank you for the support!

Техният отговор:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 7:13 AM
Hello Victoria, Thanks for reaching out to us. We've reactivated your advertising account and you should now be able to create new ads and manage your existing ones. If you have a campaign that's currently stopped, the ads within the campaign can't be restarted until the campaign is active again.To turn your ads on:

1. Go to your Ads Manager
2. Find the ad you want to turn on or off
3. In the Status column, use the switch to change the status to on or off
Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. Thanks for your understanding.How was your appeals experience? Give us your feedback to help us do better.Thanks,- The Facebook Ads Team


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